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Maureen is a curious semi-professional sports person who is obsessed with the murder of her half sister Elisa, nineteen years ago

~ A Biography ~

Although the cause of death was reported as accident - fall from height, Maureen, a 25-year-old semi-professional sports person, is convinced that her half sister, Elisa Myers, was murdered.

She is American. She started studying sports science at college but never finished the course. She is obsessed with zombies.

Physically, Maureen is in pretty good shape. She is average-height with fair skin, ginger hair and green eyes. She has a tattoo of a brain on her upper back.

She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. Her father left when she was young, leaving her with her mother, who was an addict.

She is currently single. Her most recent romance was with a legal secretary called Beau Nicola Parker, who was 17 years older than her. Beau died in 2023.The papers reported the cause of death: 'cancer'

Maureen's best friend is a semi-professional sports person called Elsie Matthews. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with Christina Lynch and Kiera O'Ryan. They enjoy interviewing suspects together.

Created on 3rd February 2023.

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