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Richard is a friendly wizard who enjoys casting spells

~ A Biography ~

Richard Normandy is a 83-year-old wizard who enjoys casting spells, extreme ironing and flower arranging. He is friendly and careful, but can also be very pessimistic and a bit grumpy.

He is Togolese who defines himself as straight. He has a post-graduate degree in philosophy, politics and economics. He is obsessed with bottled water.

Physically, Richard is in good shape. He is tall with brown skin, grey hair and brown eyes. He has long beard.

He grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. His mother left when he was young, leaving him with his father, who was a drunk.

He is currently single. His most recent romance was with a senior programmer called Jocelyn Dawn Taylor, who was 9 years older than him. Jocelyn died in 2006.The papers reported the cause of death: 'suicide'

Richard's best friend is a former senior politician called Wilfred Jackson. They get on well most of the time. They enjoy collecting potions together.

Created on 24th October 2018.


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All Time Rank: 21647 out of 413802
(We added the voting feature on 14th December 2017)

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